A compilation of the best quotes for Book of Mario 64, the prequel to Thousands of Doors.
- 1 Intro
- 2 Open Start: Star Contract
- 3 Section 1: Fortuna Koopa Records
- 4 Section 2: The Secret Remains Dry
- 5 Section 3: "Inappropriate" Tubbs
- 6 Section 4: A Job In The Toy Field
- 7 Section 5: Lava Is Hot
- 8 Section 6: Flowers And Dark Flowers
- 9 Section 7: Hard Mirror Of The Soul
- 10 Section 8: The Star, What Was That?
- 11 Epilogue
- 12 Miscellaneous
"Change the channel!!" - Narrator
"What are we doing?" - Narrator
"Go away, Mario! The princess is expecting! Good to say hello!" - Lewis
"Fireplace! I love you!" - Mario
"Mario is in a frame?" - Mario
"Yes, this is it! I have a heavenly castle! Now be in my castle! I didn't expect that." - Browser
"Mario can never win! Why not come out now?" - Princess of Peaches
"Ok, heavy man! I came!" - Browser
"Mario, you can do things!" - Princess of Peaches
"But now you can not beat your little sack attack!" - Browser
"Whether you're curious, I use the Star of Rodin to boost your strength, Mario! [...] No no! I don't like Mario!" - Browser
"Yes, as I expected. Mario is not right for me." - Browser
"As long as I have this star, what I want is true! Nobody can leave me now!" - Browser
"Where is Mario?" - Princess of Peaches after Mario is defenestrated
Open Start: Star Contract[]
"Mario... I need you for a Star Conference Team." - Fire
"You can not." - Narrator when Mario tries to open the west gate in Vila de Goomba
"Relax and do not worry. I'll fix Jeff." - Goombape
"This block can not be here. Yes, it's a troublemaker." - Goomb
"We'd better watch out for Mark." - Goomb
"You hacked the yellow block with this weapon" - Narrator
"If you use this hammer, you can avoid getting in the way. You can also use a hammer to reach the tree and turn it into a stone." - Goomb
"Who is this man? This is my garden, foreign! No one uses legs without my consent! Nothing!" - Captain Mr. Mark Trooper
"Mario, this is Mr. Trooper. He is the chairman of the Quarter Group. Of course, it's a bit brutal." - Goomb
"I'll be back Mario! [...] I think I'll be back!" - Mr. Trooper
"Understand the Baby!" - Text when Baby is obtained
"Are you interested in what you are doing? The secret of philosophy!" - Description for Star Masses
"By clicking on this block, HP (Heartrate) ends completely." - Narrator on Recovery Blocks
"Maybe we should f'." - Goverman
"If you see it, they definitely jattakkawh. When you start to fight, you can attack the enemy by jumping or falling into a school without success." - Goomb
"Listen to Heaven, Mario. Blow the enemy. Hammer is not recommended by the enemy." - Goomb
"Dance among your enemies to attack them. It is not a good plan. Remember it!" - Goomb
"It's a big boy! Wait for him." - Narrator on Star Masses
"Don't think, children. Here I... am." - Goomb
"Study and read books about self-defense property owners and listen to Pope Goomb." - Goverman
"Yes, one Goverman is as hard as a cave now! Yes, hey! If he moves his head, it's really sick!" - Goombaru
"Yes/Why" - Mario's options when Goomb asks if he needs a lesson
"Oh yes! Mario managed to defeat Browser's hand!" - Goverman
"Moo!" - Goombaru
"What a hell! Really! I can go, Goomb! Can I die? The!!!!! So also! Mario! That Yiddishjaya!" - Goverman
"Goverman entertainment!! Press [Down] to have him talk so people leave their nearby places. If interested please contact us! The Gambo also helps in matches! Cannot attack or Headbonk. Can tell the enemy's features and HP using his hatred and wit!" - Narrator on Goverman
"Mario, Goverman has great health benefits." - Goomb
"Be woke, be cool. A calm spirit is smarter." - Goombape
"It seems wings exist." - Goverman after seeing a Paragomb
"It's me, Goomba Cock and my sister, Goomba Gorm." - Goomba Cock
"The king of Goomba ordered him to stop trying." - Goverman's gossip on Goomba Cock
"Mario touched us!" - Goomba Cock & Goomba Gorm
"Is this a building?" - Goverman upon seeing the Goomba Castle
"So, Mario, it's true! You are so far away. I respect it." - King of Goomba
"Are you ready for my ass, Mario? You'd better be!!" - King of Goomba
"Leave me alone!" - King of Goomba after Goomba Cock & Goomba Gorm try talking to him
"Please, please, your pregnancy! Try stability. King of Goomba is temporary. I had to feel." - Kamopa Kamopa
"...Let me know! Kamopa. Are you sure these people have a job?" - Browser asking Kamopa Kamopa about Coop Notes
"You retards!! Use yourself! Go back to the fort and see the elegant spirit!" - Browser after learning that the Coop Notes didn't leave anyone to guard the Stellarvinden.
"The city has exploded! Princess removed! The same castle of roots. It's crazy!" - A Frog when Mario arrives in Frog City
"Beach! High Rape! Turn off!!" - Frog City Info Flash
"Walking on the nose.. Mario is probably bleeding..." - Princess of Peaches
"Goodbye, Princess Peach! Nice to meet you!" - Tinka, right after meeting Peach for the first time
"Are you the star of the child? What the hell?" - Princess of Peaches
Tinka: "If I were a better star, maybe I could help..."
Princess of Peaches: "All right... That is sad, Tinka"
"Okay, I'm hunting Princesses, I'm going as fast as a mushroom camera!" - Tinka
"I feel good and don't worry... In red? Can you tell him?" - Princess of Peaches
"Oh! I agree! Excellent! I don't even want to explain it." - Tinka after Mario says "Why" twice to him
"This is magical. Magic has a magical penis." - Goverman's gossip on a Magi Coop
Section 1: Fortuna Koopa Records[]
"The city is in turmoil because of hair." - A KSD Soldier when Mario enters Koopa City
"Thank you, Mario! I own you." - The same KSD Soldier when Mario returns his shell/hat/boat
"They put my boat in the tree!" - A KSD Soldier
"We sell limes." - All shopkeepers.
"Press A before crashing!" - Battle System
"Well, I'm stuck with you." - KSD Soldier shop owner when you sell him something
"I recommend going constantly with slaves. Thunderstorms." - Radio
"I can not stop menstruating. It was very embarrassing." - Corporate
"Meee ah? Like a bad bitch!" - Smoker
"Here, boring ass!" - Smoker
"I'm a disease and I will give it to you!" - Smoker
"I need to understand the value of taking care of the bodies!" - Corporate
"My middle name is Bob." - Goverman giving pointless information about himself when Gossiping on a Bob Berun
"Bowler's my name. Office of Management and Budget." - Bowler introducing herself
"Bomb at your festival! Go now and destroy!" - Narrator on Bowler
"Oh damn, I forgot! I can not tell you what to do. How stupid! [...] Check for cracks in the walls you can maybe break." - Bowler being a control freak
"We can delete the ground when the situation is bad." - I'm tired
"L-Cha-Cha-Cha!!!! What about you, Mario? Ash Brother, brother, brother!" - Browser???
"Shoot them one by one!" - Goverman on Coop Notes
"He is black. Black man is homosexual..." - Goverman on I'm Scared
"Mario has hands... and improved friends." - Narrator at Exit Section 1
"I am hard. I have to focus on homicide." - Princess of Peaches
"Yes, I am fine. Thanks. I am a normal idiot. Careful." - Princess of Peaches
"Do not look at the door." - Tinka
"He seems to be in love. Oh no... We can't go out!" - Tinka talking about the door to Browser's diary room.
"Now this is a great diary! Did you send the prince's palace to a picnic in the sky?" - Browser in his diary
"I can't read." - One of the Princess of Peaches' dialogue options when Tinka asks if they should read more of Browser's diary
"Mario himself!" - Princess of Peaches
"I'm crazy like you said? 'I am a Mario, I am tall and strong, good and practical..." I hate it! But I'm not afraid" - Browser lamenting his feeling for Mario in his diary
"Actually, I'm so quiet that I'm sleeping now." - Browser in his diary
"On a dry surface dry place in the desert, dry soil in the center of the rocks. Star Wars is honored!" - Tinka after reading Browser's diary
Section 2: The Secret Remains Dry[]
"I can not explain it." - Fire admitting that he can't teach Mario how to use Star Energy
"Arm is now useless!!" - Mr. Trooper after going into his egg form
"Egg good. Very comfortable." - Goverman on Mr. Trooper's egg form
"I have to go back to his Majesty. She is dead! I hope this message will help!" - Tinka to Mario
"Please, Mario, shut up! Save the ankle!" - Parakarius
"I am the Castle of Jarawleka." - Muststafs
"The name is called Mario, right? I hear you want to wipe the plaster." - Muststafs
"I'm a spy king of foreign cards?" - Full Coop
"You will fall into my mother's host and become sand!" - Full Coop
"You! You're leaving all the scary warnings away!" - Full Coop
"So the teacher lives with Tubbs Fat on HOPE PROCELLOUS on top." - Hammer Boss during Peach interlude.
Section 3: "Inappropriate" Tubbs[]
"Deforestation is always green." - Goverman, Gossiping the Unbeliveable Forest
"Brad... For some reason, I feel like socks. - Goverman, on Oakland's overworld Gossip
"Then he may eat grease buckets to be on the news." - a Bumpie in Jerk Gulch talking about Tubbs Fat's habits
"Welcome! The thief! Stop" - Tubbs Fat, to Mario
"Die! With a nuke!" - Garlic, to Koro Tuuby
"Mario? Oh, thank you... Cum! Haha..." - Mr. Trooper
Section 4: A Job In The Toy Field[]
"New lol... This is the best Mario ride, I will definetely come back." - Kamopa Kamopa, when conjuring a Fungus
"Man is shy. They are not beautiful. Long and unclean. Bad..." - Goverman's Gossip on a Shame Boy.
"Stay away from the body, friends! I'm not confident in my love?" - Anti-Man
"I want to lose? Uploads." - Common Man's war cry
"This is the last one. Seduce me with cream and flowers." - Tinka
"It was... very good 7". - Mr. Gourmet, rating Peach's cake
Section 5: Lava Is Hot[]
"I hate fish. Fishing is a farce." - Goverman
"MARIO? Hi, did you talk about drugs again?" - Yellow Yoshi
"In the village of Yoshi we sued 5 courts." - Blue Baby Yoshi
"We're not scared! We can not go because we notice the funny beeping." - Josh Boy Communist
"Avoid the law" -Yoshi Vendor
"A good researcher never collects information." - Colorade
"Everyone finally stopped because you had children." - Green Yoshi
"Hey, Mario, go and burn in hell? That's so hot. It's dangerous." -Blue Baby Yoshi
"Even children seem to be afraid of experience, but we still learn something. Breeding..." - Purple Yoshi
"I don't know how to thank you for selling your children! You have done good. - Yoshi Commander
"BITCH! Top grade, really!" - Colorade
"I am thick and black... But enough of that! I told my wife I was going to giver here a big crisis." - Raphaela Gavranasa after zip line to Matt Lava is completed.
Section 6: Flowers And Dark Flowers[]
"loan! He brought me nuts! Thank you!" - Sain-Minh
"Of course! You must be the Spirit of Love!" - Wisewood Wisewood
"To show you how grateful I am, I will give you an amazing nut!" - Petunia after defeating all Moles in Caeau Blodaua.
"He has a shotgun. Bad clouds." - Goverman using Gossip on a Stupid Tel
Section 7: Hard Mirror Of The Soul[]
"My poor penguin-Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety!" - Carla
"Chickenpox, you're right! President dead!" - Dodd
"Really that hoe! This shows that you do not trust the first impression of the people!" - Penguin in Involved City
"The truth is, God is, issued by the President to kill you," - a Penguin
"Thank you, killer penguins!" - Market Penguin member/supporter
"Me? I'm Herringvai. Gamer." - Oxford Herringvai
"I kill penguins on the market, it is time to sleep. - Oxford Herringvai
"My concern is that children are born in Nature Valley."- Maryland
"You slapped hammer, Mario! I want to bomb the next time you go to bed." - Bowler
Section 8: The Star, What Was That?[]
"This is the legendary Star Star Star Ship. Browser still exists in the castle." - Fire
"Question Life?" - Paul, asking if Mario wants to try to answer his last question
"Get naked?" - Narrator, after Mario enters the Star Star Star Ship
"You came!? You came in the prison!?" - First Guard Door in Casa Browser.
"...I do not understand. This is a reasonable option," - Second Guard Door in Casa Browser.
"My God! Please do not do it! Teased my Deki?" - Two-dimensional Soul disguised as Peach.
"You're not a hero. Do you think we are stupid enough to sit and watch life be destroyed?" - Kamopa Kamopa
"Mario can already eat peaches!" - Narrator after acquiring Beam Pexego
"What... what happens happens" - Browser
"Yo! Kappa! What is all this stuff?" - Browser
"Princess Peach... I... I... I don't care. I'm also leaving!" - Tinka
"Do not return to your home, the clowns came back!!!" - Parakarius delivering a message to Colorade from Colorade's wife.
"BREAST" - T. Vann
"Damn you all to death!" - Colorade's wife
"Who is Mario? You have Koopa Sizes! By the way where is the city?" - Koop Kotu
"Mom!? Wow! Hello! I'm happy to meet you!" - Frog from Dry Dry Dry talking to Mario in Frog City
"I heard everything... it's a farce." - Penguin outside of The Princely Palace
"Bang thoughts inside stroke..." - Guard frog in front of The Princely Palace
"Mario... Goverman, Corporate, Bowler, Parakarius,... Garlic, Smoke, Sushiya, Ceramics, and the whole world: you have a fungus." - Princess of Peaches
(Miscellaneous includes side-quests, such as the letter side-quest, and the mail sent to Mario/Band)
"No/No" - Mario when Koop Kotu, TAYCO D. or The Bicycle asks for help
"Y... Yo... YOLO!" - Paul
"Oh! I forgot! I am a registered letter offender!" - Cicero